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Foundations of Information, Networks, and Decision Systems

Cornell Information Theory Day- Summer 2023

Date: July 7, 2023

Time: 9.00am – 4.30pm

Location: Phillips 233


9am -10amIntroduction to Research DirectionsMark M. Wilde
Aaron Wagner
Ziv Goldfeld
Jayadev Acharya
10.05am- 10.35amInformation-Theoretic Characterization of the Generalization Error for Learning Algorithms Haiyun He
10.35am-11.00amCoffee Break
11.00am- 11.30amOptimal Neural Network Compression and the Manifold Hypothesis Sourbh Bhadane
11.35am-12.05pmQuantum Pufferfish Privacy: A Flexible Privacy Framework for Quantum SystemsTheshani Nuradha
12.05pm- 2pmLunch
2.00pm- 2.30pmMinimax Rate-DistortionAdeel Mahmood
2.35pm- 3.05pmUnifying Distortion and Realism ConstraintsYang Qiu
3.05pm-3.25pmCoffee Break
3.25pm- 3.55pmEntropic Gromov-Wasserstein Distances: Statistical and Computational AdvancesGabriel Rioux
4.00pm- 4.30pmAsymptotic Error Rates for Classical and Quantum AntidistinguishabilityHemant Mishra

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