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Foundations of Information, Networks, and Decision Systems

Cornell Information Theory Day- Fall 2023

Date: December 5, 2023

Time: 9.00am – 4.30pm

Location: Phillips 233


9am -9.30amRate Redundancy in Exact Channel SynthesisSharang Sriramu
9.35am- 10.00amSemi-discrete Gromov Wasserstein DistancesGabriel Rioux
10.30am- 11.00amFidelity-Based Smooth Min-Relative Entropy: Properties and ApplicationsTheshani Nuradha
11.05am-11.35pmThe Role of Shared Randomness in Quantum Mixedness Testing with Non-Entangled MeasurementsYuhan Liu
11.35pm- 1.30pmLunch
1.30pm- 2.00pmChannel Coding with Mean and Variance Cost Constraints Adeel Mahmood
2.05pm- 2.35pmPostselected Communication over Quantum ChannelsKaiyuan Ji
3.00pm- 3.30pmOutlier-Robust Wasserstein DROSloan Nietert
3.35pm- 4.05pmDuality and Sample Complexity for the Gromov-Wasserstein DistanceZhengxin Zhang

Book of Abstracts

Group Photo